historical fiction romance by:
d.a. gregory
After a decade or more writing, it was time to see if anyone but me likes these stories. Some good advice from an established science fiction author friend was, "Never send a publisher money." That was indeed good advice and it has stayed with me. There are vanity publishers who will publish anything for a price and, independent of a publisher, one can "publish" anything online for free. That's not how things are supposed to work. The author and a real publisher should both take a risk with a new book and it should be in both's best interest to put the best manuscripts possible out for the public to have a look at and hopefully buy.
Submitting a manuscript to the right genre publisher is also critical and that lesson was learned the hard way. Eventually it was realized that what I'd been writing was romance and the first publisher of romance novels I submitted Jenny B. to accepted it. The email from Solstice in early July 2017 from the Editor in Chief, Kathi Sprayberry, informing me that they "loved it" made everything come together. The book was published on Valentine's day, which is fitting and it's debut ranking was quite respectable. Hope you like it.
The second book, Bring the Curious Midwife, has been released with Solstice Publishing--a great traditional publisher to work with.